Regent Airways was a Bangladeshi airline owned by HG Aviation Ltd, a fully owned subsidiary of Habib Group. It is based at Hazrat Shahjalal International Airport. Due to its bad financial condition they are looking for investors to raise funds and resume operations.
Booked 99 times since yesterday | 153 travelers are looking at this property right now
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Check out the best places & events in the city. Each one is worth of visiting. Experience which you never forget.
50 Hotel | 10 Car Hire | 10 Restaurant
50 Hotel | 10 Car Hire | 10 Restaurant
50 Hotel | 10 Car Hire | 10 Restaurant
Check out the best places & events in the city. Each one is worth of visiting. Experience which you never forget.
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Start form $350.00 /night/room
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4 Room's Available
Start form $350.00 /night/room
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4 Room's Available
Start form $0.00 /night/room
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4 Room's Available
Check out the best places & events in the city. Each one is worth of visiting. Experience which you never forget.
50 Hotel
10 Tour
50 Destination
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$30/night average
50 Hotel
10 Tour
50 Destination
10 Restaurant
$75/night average
50 Hotel
10 Tour
50 Destination
10 Restaurant
$68/night average
50 Hotel
10 Tour
50 Destination
10 Restaurant
$70/night average
50 Hotel
10 Tour
50 Destination
10 Restaurant
$60/night average
50 Hotel
10 Tour
50 Destination
10 Restaurant
Kuala Lumpur
$36/night average
50 Hotel
10 Tour
50 Destination
10 Restaurant
New York
$60/night average
50 Hotel
10 Tour
50 Destination
10 Restaurant
$46/night average
50 Hotel
10 Tour
50 Destination
10 Restaurant
$50/night average
50 Hotel
10 Tour
50 Destination
10 Restaurant
$40/night average
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Level 7
5 Photos
36 Reviews